Seminar to deepen eurythmy therapy for eurythmy therapists, doctors and curative educators Thursday, June 27 to Saturday, June 29, 2024 in Trois-Epis (Alsace) The date of this gathering coincides exactly with the 100th anniversary of the course on ‘Education for Special Needs’ (June 25 to July 7, 1924). The topic of the seminar is: The...
Category: News
Family Festival at the Goetheanum from July 25–28, 2024
Family is the place where life begins. The family is the nucleus of all social life. Ultimately also the nucleus of the larger society, the state. How do we learn to develop freely and still be reliable partners? Taking responsibility for each other – how does that work? How do we make our children strong...
Musik liegt in der Luft: Johanni-Ausgabe von PUNKT UND KREIS
Die Johanni-Ausgabe 2024 von PUNKT UND KREIS hat das Schwerpunktthema ‹Musik›. Musik ist ein Vehikel für gelebte Inklusion und Augenhöhe. Musik kann über die Tastsinne selbst gehörlosen Menschen zugänglich sein. Rhythmus, Freude und das Klingen einer angeschlagenen Saite kennen keine Behinderungen. In der vorliegenden Ausgabe blicken die Autor:innen aus sehr verschiedenen Perspektiven auf das Thema...
Association to support anthroposophical curative education and social therapy in Ukraine
Annual report In mid-March 2024, the members of the association met for the first Annual General Meeting at the Humanushaus in Beitenwil/Switzerland. The association, whose members are from Germany, Italy, Ukraine and Switzerland, was founded at the same location almost two years ago. The purpose is set out in the statutes as follows: “The purpose...
Visit to Finland in May 2024
After an earlier short visit to mark 50 years of curative education in Finland in the cold and dark November time in 2022, Bart Vanmechelen was now able to tour Finnish curative education schools and social therapeutic communities in the full light of summer time 2024 at the invitation of Finnish colleagues. The trip began...
Trip to Portugal in April 2024
At last, the time had come: At the invitation of the two socio-therapeutic living communities ASTA and Casa de Santa Isabel, Bart Vanmechelen was able to make the trip to Portugal, which had to be postponed due to the coronavirus measures. The first stop was ASTA in Cabreira Located in the granite mountains not far...
Register now: International Conference October 2024
Inclusive social development Celebrating 100 years together! Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to celebrate this special year together and are warmly inviting you to join us. Everyone in our field of practice is welcome to this conference. We will try to communicate in a language that is easier for everyone to understand. As we are...
Trip by the leadership team to England from 20–23.05.2024
Sonja and Jan were invited to make their first visit to Ruskin Mill Trust and the Field Center, Ruskin Mill’s research and education center. It was a long-awaited visit to get to know the main people responsible on-site in greater depth. During a mindful walk through the entire valley accompanied by Simon, we got to...
Reports from the four scholarship holders of the eurythmy training course in “Bewegte Prozessbegleitung“
From June 2023 to June 2024, the further education course “Moved Process Support – Eurythmy in the Professional World” took place in cooperation with the Council, the Section for the Performing Arts at the Goetheanum and, as organizer, “you-with-me”. The Council had announced a scholarship for four trained eurythmists with the idea of taking up...
28th Annual Conference of the International Training Circle in Buenos Aires
From April 30 to May 4, 2024, the International Training Circle met at the Reserva Naturaleza + Arte in Capilla del Señor, in the province of Buenos Aires (AR). The meeting was a milestone in the cooperation between the training organizations and the people working in professional education in our field of work: Since the...