Category: News

New translations of the introductory booklets of the Swiss Association Anthrosocial
16. February 202416. February 2024

New translations of the introductory booklets of the Swiss Association Anthrosocial

Volume 2 by Eva-Maria Schnaith now available in Russian and Volume 4 by Andreas Fischer now available in Danish Since 2018, the Swiss association Anthrosocial (formerly vahs) has been publishing a series of brochures with introductory texts on topics related to anthroposophical curative education, social therapy and social psychiatry. They are aimed at staff in...

Sonnenhof celebrates 100 years anniversary
9. February 20249. February 2024

Sonnenhof celebrates 100 years anniversary

In 2024, Sonnenhof celebrates its 100th anniversary. It is the first and oldest anthroposophical institution for curative education and social therapy, whose work has radiated and continues to radiate throughout the world. 100 years of Sonnenhof are a plea for inclusion in practice, for social coexistence and (also) a success story that is used to...

Social Economics in Camphill
2. February 20242. February 2024

Social Economics in Camphill

February 10, March 9 & April 13, 2024 Online | 10:00-11:30 am ET In this 3-part series, Richard Steel (Karl Konig Institute) and Bernard Murphy (Arista Advisory Group and Camphill Academy) will lead us through an exploration of how Steiner’s principles of associative economics have been interpreted and applied in Camphill life historically, how communities...

Place, Craft and Neurodiversity
31. January 202431. January 2024

Place, Craft and Neurodiversity

Re-imagining Potential through Education at Ruskin Mill Aonghus Gordon & Laurence Cox For over four decades, Ruskin Mill Trust has worked with young people with special educational needs and behavioural issues who learn traditional crafts and organic farming as part of an integrated curriculum of therapeutic education, overcoming barriers to learning and re-engaging with the...

Position paper of the Anthropoi Bundesverband
28. January 202428. January 2024

Position paper of the Anthropoi Bundesverband

The Board of the Anthropoi Bundesverband (Germany) has adopted a position paper “For a democratic, inclusive and diverse society – against the rise of right-wing extremist, populist and anti-democratic forces”. We would like to inform you about this here. Furthermore, we would like to express our agreement with the statement that an anthroposophical approach to...

Inner transformation and mindfulness towards the world
24. January 202424. January 2024

Inner transformation and mindfulness towards the world

Lecture by Tho Ha Vinh Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 8 p.m. as part of the anniversary conference of the Section for Agriculture   Tho Ha Vinh has close ties to the field of curative education and social therapy, having lived and worked for many years in the community La Fondation Perceval at Lake Geneva. He...

The scientific status and future of the Anthroposophic Medicine therapies
24. January 202424. January 2024

The scientific status and future of the Anthroposophic Medicine therapies

Research Congress Medical Section at the Goetheanum March 08–10, 2024 Where do we stand? What are the barriers and opportunities for the further development and implementation of the therapies in anthroposophic medicine (AM) and for AM therapy research? How do we connect to current developments? What must and can we do in the next 10...

Two-year introductory course in social pedagogy
15. January 202415. January 2024

Two-year introductory course in social pedagogy

Rudolf Steiner University College & Camphill Vidaråsen Experience-based 60 ECTS course Fall 2024 – Spring 2026 Rudolf Steiner University College (RSUC) and Camphill Vidaråsen are proud to present a new experience-based introductory course in social pedagogy. The course consists of selected modules from the bachelor’s degree in social pedagogy and takes place at Camphill Vidaråsen...

Lebensgeschichten von Menschen mit Down-Syndrom
5. January 20245. January 2024

Lebensgeschichten von Menschen mit Down-Syndrom

Erkenntnisse und Erkundungen der Biografieforschung Bernhard Schmalenbach 1. Auflage 2024 Menschen mit Down-Syndrom zu Wort kommen zu lassen und ihre Lebenswelten sichtbar zu machen, ist das Anliegen dieses Buches. Gefragt wird, wie Menschen mit Down-Syndrom ihre Biografie wahrnehmen, welche Erfahrungen und Anliegen sie formulieren und welche Perspektiven sie auf ihr Leben, ihr Umfeld und die...

Autismus: Begegne mir, so wie ich bin
5. January 20245. January 2024

Autismus: Begegne mir, so wie ich bin

Ein Beitrag zu einem pädagogisch-sensorischen und ernährungswissenschaftlichen Ansatz für Autismus im Kindesalter Lakshmi Prasanna & Michael Kokinos 1. Auflage 2023 Die Erkenntnisse und Überlegungen, die in diesem Buch dargestellt werden, sind das Ergebnis von zwanzig Jahren klinischer Arbeit und individueller Forschung. Lakshmi Prasanna arbeitet als Entwicklungspädiaterin und Neonatologin in Indien; Michael Kokinos ist tätig als...