From Risk to Resilience: Training Series on Mental Illness in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Dual Diagnosis (2020-2021)

From Risk to Resilience: Training Series on Mental Illness in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Dual Diagnosis (2020-2021)

Accompanying people in need of assistance who also develop or have developed a mental illness is a great challenge. It is often difficult to even determine that, in addition to a cognitive impairment, there is also a mental disorder, or that a child with an mental disorder also has a cognitive impairment.

Professional support requires specialist competencies and special relationship skills. A new open training concept in anthroposophical social care aims to sensitize and qualify professionals accordingly.

This anthroposophically founded advanced training was conceived in cooperation with the professional training committee and in response to the needs of the institutions of the Anthropoi Bundesverband (Germany). It will now be offered in the second run at the Rudolf Steiner Seminar in Bad Boll.