Goetheanum Leadership Course

Goetheanum Leadership Course

A course in two modules for executives worldwide, which will take place in September 2019 and February 2020 at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

The Goetheanum Leadership Course focuses on providing managers with innovative tools and a space in which to discover their own potential as a leader for a far-sighted and goal-oriented leadership style. We want to open and strengthen the inner space through exercises, dialogue work, impulse lectures and individual processes by making our own leadership framework tangible and visible.

Another important element of the course is the aspect of networking, which results from the seminar. This will make it possible to make new contacts based on real joint work and to open up opportunities for the future.

The course consists of two modules of 5 days each. Between the modules there are individual coaching and work settings in peer groups as well as coaching sessions with the course leaders, which offer individual support. In this way, the individual leadership capacity, which is recognized as potential, can develop, consolidate and incorporate into management processes in working life.

If you have any further questions, please contact Edda Nehmiz.

