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Perceptual Vignettes

Perceptual Vignettes

Phenomenological Reflective Thinking and Professional Attitude A Study and Practice Guide Perceptual vignettes are the result of a phenomenological method applied in pedagogical practice and research. This method includes perception, description and phases of reflection and supports the development of a professional inclusive attitude and diagnostic competence. The process-based way of working with perceptual vignettes...

«… ein fortwährender lebendiger Zusammenhang»

«… ein fortwährender lebendiger Zusammenhang»

Contributions to Rudolf Steiner’s Curative Education Course The book «… ein fortwährender lebendiger Zusammenhang» is the joint work of a group of authors who, against the background of the time when the course was created and in reflection on the current situation, explore the future perspectives that can be gained from Steiner’s explanations. 534 pages,...

Curative Education Course

Curative Education Course

One hundred years ago, this course took place with a small group of people in the carpentry hall at the Goetheanum in Dornach. It became a source of inspiration and the starting point for the development of our worldwide work context for anthroposophically oriented curative education and inclusive social development. A project initiated by Jan...