The Dignity of Birth and Death – Michaelmas Conference

The Dignity of Birth and Death – Michaelmas Conference

September 30 – October 2, 2022 at the Goetheanum

On the previous Michaelmas Conference in 2021 we focused on the „Dignity of the Human Being“. In 2022 we decided to take the theme further and into the boundary regions of human experience, indeed of human existence: into the regions of birth and death. They are part of being human on earth, but are fiercely contested in the present and threaten to be alienated from the human being – each in their own dignity. At Michaelmas, we want to gain a renewed view of the phenomena of birth and death or of unbornness, of being born and dying as signatures of the human being – in the confrontation with fundamental questions that arise in the process. We also want to give space and voice to initiatives that work for a humane birth and death in the state of crisis of today‘s civilization, such as in the Casa Angela birth center of the Monte Azul favela, in the hospice of a large anthroposophical community hospital (Havelhöhe in Berlin), and in various refugee camps. We will hear about the ritual practi- ces and sacramental understanding of birth and death of two great world religions (Christianity and Judaism) – and about Novalis, from an artistic perspective. We cordially invite you to the Goetheanum.

Constanza Kaliks, Peter Selg, Claus-Peter Röh and Nicolas Criblez

Language: German and English

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