Category: News

«Crossing Bridges – Being Human» – 100 Years of Anthroposophic Medicine
16. June 202028. May 2020

«Crossing Bridges – Being Human» – 100 Years of Anthroposophic Medicine

World Conference of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum Goetheanum, Dornach (CH), 12–20 September 2020 In 2020, Anthroposophic Medicine is celebrating its hundredth anniversary. The classic annual conference at the Goetheanum has therefore been transformed into a festive world conference. It has been in preparation for several years by a group of young people in...

Covid 19 pandemic: uncertainty and prospects
3. June 20203. June 2020

Covid 19 pandemic: uncertainty and prospects

Livestream seminar Update on the medical-pedagogical and social dimension of the current crisis The livestream is addressed to the professional groups of doctors, therapists, nurses and educators as well as to all people who want to actively participate in a healthy future of our world. The pandemic and the associated social measures have a highly...

80 Years Camphill Movement
2. June 20202. June 2020

80 Years Camphill Movement

On 1 July 1940 a group of refugees led by the physician Karl König took over the Camphill Estate, a country estate in Milltimber near Aberdeen (Scotland) and founded the Camphill Movement there. On behalf of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development and the worldwide community of organizations associated with the Council, we send...

UN Secretary-General Guterres: Corona Crisis as an Opportunity for Inclusive Social Development
6. May 20206. May 2020

UN Secretary-General Guterres: Corona Crisis as an Opportunity for Inclusive Social Development

“We have a unique opportunity to design and implement more inclusive and accessible societies” In an address to those responsible for the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy, UN Secretary-General António Guterres today spoke of the global corona crisis as a risk, but also as a unique opportunity to take new paths towards an inclusive and...

INCLUTRAIN Webinar – Person-centred vocational training for people with special support needs
27. April 202027. April 2020

INCLUTRAIN Webinar – Person-centred vocational training for people with special support needs

Do the questions, “How can inclusion succeed? How can inclusion be made person-centred and successful through vocational training for people with special support needs?” speak to you? Then the INCLUTRAIN project team would like to invite you to our webinar on 26.05.2020 from 9:00-12:00 (Middle European Summer Time). The partners of the Erasmus+ project INCLUTRAIN...

Catch the fish, don’t let it get away: The encounter as a path
13. April 202013. April 2020

Catch the fish, don’t let it get away: The encounter as a path

The fourth Spanish-Portuguese Conference for people with support needs Federación Hispano-Portuguesa de Pedagogía Curativa y Terapia Social “Catch the fish, don’t let it get away. The encounter as a path” – This call is the theme for the fourth Spanish-Portuguese meeting for people with support needs, which the institutions of the Spanish-Portuguese Federation for Curative...

News from the Camphill Research Network – Research, Art, Dialogue
28. March 202028. March 2020

News from the Camphill Research Network – Research, Art, Dialogue

The Camphill Academy now manages the Camphill Research Network, an international library of existing research on the Camphill movement, originally developed by Maria Lyons in Britain. The Camphill Research Network has a new website and new content, including new artist galleries. This already includes extensive collections of works by Camphill artists Carlo Pietzner and Hermann...

Impressions from Israel
28. March 202024. March 2020

Impressions from Israel

During my first visit to Israel at the beginning of March I was able to experience the incredibly complex areas of tension in this country very closely. The social and political structures can be felt in a complex web which in some places is stronger and in others weaker in the reality of life in...