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“Dorf2025” – A development process of the village community Breitenfurt
22. November 202022. November 2020

“Dorf2025” – A development process of the village community Breitenfurt

In a new explanatory video, the village community of Breitenfurt presents the development and transformation process it has been undergoing since 2017. Under the title “Dorf2025” (Village2025), the village community has set out on its 20th anniversary to redesign and redefine itself in its various dimensions as a living community, as an organization and as...

22. November 202022. November 2020

“Dorf2025” – Процесс развития деревенской общины Брайтенфурта

В новом пояснительном видео сельская община Брайтенфурта представляет процесс развития и трансформации, в котором она оказалась с 2017 года. Под названием “Dorf2025” (Village2025) сельская община в свой 20-летний юбилей поставила перед собой задачу перепрофилировать и переосмыслить себя в различных аспектах как живую общину, как организацию и как поставщика профессиональных услуг. В этом процессе община деревни...

Heart and Crown – 6th Lecture of the Latin American Lecture Series (21 November 2020)
17. November 202017. November 2020

Heart and Crown – 6th Lecture of the Latin American Lecture Series (21 November 2020)

We are pleased to announce the next lecture in our Latin American open lecture series: «Corazón y Corona – La humanidad que podemos devenir» – Mariano Kasanetz (Stuttgart, Germany and Buenos Aires, Argentina) (Heart and Crown – The humanity that we can become) Saturday, November 21, 2020, 10:00 Mexico, 11:00 Lima/Bogota, 13:00 Santiago/Buenos Aires/Sao Paulo...

17. November 202017. November 2020

Сердце и Корона – 6-я лекция латиноамериканской серии лекций (21 ноября 2020 г.).

Мы рады объявить о следующей лекции в нашей открытой серии лекций по Латинской Америке: «Corazón y Corona – La humanidad que podemos devenir» – Mariano Kasanetz (Штутгарт, Германия и Буэнос-Айрес, Аргентина) (Сердце и корона – Человечество, которым мы можем стать) Самстаг, 21 год. Ноябрь 2020, 10:00 Мексико, 11:00 Лима/Богота, 13:00 Сантьяго/Буэнос-Айрес/Сао-Паулу. Мариано Касанетц изучал и...

Journal Menschen. Focus Issue on Inclusive Social Development & Anthroposophic Curative Education
16. November 202018. November 2020

Journal Menschen. Focus Issue on Inclusive Social Development & Anthroposophic Curative Education

The current issue of the Austrianjournal Menschen (formerly “Behinderte Menschen”) is devoted primarily to anthroposophic curative education. It features contributions by Richard Steel, Dan McKanan, Wolf-Ulrich Klünker, Jan Göschel, Ulrike Barth, Christiane Drechsler, Manfred Schulze, Walter Kugler, Rüdiger Grimm and others. In addition, insights into various communities in Austria, Germany and Switzerland (Loidholdhof, Humanushaus, Dorfgemeinschaft...

16. November 202016. November 2020

Revista Menschen. Número temático sobre el desarrollo social inclusivo y la pedagogía curativa antroposófica

El próximo número de la revista austriaca Menschen. (antes “Personas discapacitadas”) se dedica principalmente a la Pedagogía Curativa Antroposófica. Tiene contribuciones de Richard Steel, Dan McKanan, Wolf-Ulrich Klünker, Jan Göschel, Ulrike Barth, Christiane Drechsler, Manfred Schulze, Walter Kugler, Rüdiger Grimm, y otros. Además, se dará información sobre varias comunidades de Austria, Alemania y Suiza (Loidholdhof,...

12. November 202012. November 2020

Sound & Speech – the Wonder of Movement – Dimensions of Transformation

International Conference for Eurythmists, Speech Artists, Eurythmy Therapists and those interested   Call for network building Dear eurythmy colleagues working in the inclusive and exclusive curative education, The Section for the Performing Arts is planning an international conference on eurythmy/eurythmy therapy/speech formation from 5–9.4.2021. Here for the first time we would like to strengthen the...

12. November 202012. November 2020

Sound & Speech – the Wonder of Movement – Dimensions of Transformation

International Conference for Eurythmists, Speech Artists, Eurythmy Therapists and those interested   Call for network building Dear eurythmy colleagues working in the inclusive and exclusive curative education, The Section for the Performing Arts is planning an international conference on eurythmy/eurythmy therapy/speech formation from 5–9.4.2021. Here for the first time we would like to strengthen the...

ERASMUS+ Project INCLUTRAIN – person-centered vocational training
5. November 20205. November 2020

ERASMUS+ Project INCLUTRAIN – person-centered vocational training

The results of the project ‘INCLUTRAIN – person-centered vocational training for people with special needs’ are now published on the website of the National Agency at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (NABiBB) and on the project website INCLUTRAIN. On the NABiBB website you will also find a short video that gives an...

Review International Conference 2020
5. November 20205. November 2020

Review International Conference 2020

A community grew in five days The International Conference for Curative Education and Social Therapy took place at the Goetheanum from October 5 to 9, 2020. It was about the span between inner and outer world and the importance of education to build this bridge: ‘Education always – developing what lives in me and moves...