The results of the project ‘INCLUTRAIN – person-centered vocational training for people with special needs’ are now published on the website of the National Agency at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (NABiBB) and on the project website INCLUTRAIN. On the NABiBB website you will also find a short video that gives an...
Category: News
Review International Conference 2020
A community grew in five days The International Conference for Curative Education and Social Therapy took place at the Goetheanum from October 5 to 9, 2020. It was about the span between inner and outer world and the importance of education to build this bridge: ‘Education always – developing what lives in me and moves...
Healthy in movement
Eurythmy in educational assistance, special school, curative education & social therapy Eurythmy lessons for children and young people with special needs place special demands on the teachers. The conference will focus on eurythmy movement in its healthy effect on people and on pupils in eurythmy lessons. Language: German Flyer for download (PDF, German)
Camphill Research Symposium 2020 – Online with Dan McKanan
Take part – online on November 5, 12 and 19, 2020. The Camphill Research Symposium is jointly organized each year by Camphill Academy and Camphill Foundation in North America. This year it is an online symposium on three Thursdays in November dedicated to topics related to the new book by Dan McKanan: Camphill and the...
From disability to talent – 5th lecture of the Latin American lecture series (November 5, 2020)
We are pleased to announce the next lecture in our Latin American open lecture series: «Del Impedimento al Talento – Iniciación y Misión de la Fundación Arca Mundial» – Sandra Domínguez and Juan Guillermo Restrepo (Medellín, Colombia) (From disability to talent – impulse and mission of the Fundación Arca Mundial) Sandra Domínguez and Juan Guillermo...
Teacher of the Future – Silent Healing | Doctor of the Future – Teacher in Health Care
International further education for biography work in educational & healing arts Medical-therapeutic aspects of biography work for doctors, therapists and educationalists Module 2: December 2–5, 2021 In anthroposophic biographical work the great importance of childhood and adolescence for later development in health and illness becomes visible. In families, day-care centers and schools, human fate and...
Perspectives 2020-3 – Now online!
The new issue of our international professional journal Anthroposophic Perspectives in Inclusive Social Development is now available online. In the current issue you will find: Reflections on the role of medicine in professional training for curative education and social therapy (by Angelika Gäch) Point-circle-motifs in music (by Gerhard Beilharz) Point and circle as didactic elements...
Camphill and the Future – The New Book by Dan McKanan
Dan McKanan’s long-awaited book about the Camphill Movement is now available online in print and as an Open Access publication. Dan McKanan is the Emerson Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Divinity School and has been researching community movements using spiritual principles to promote social and societal causes for many years. In addition to several publications...
The signature of the present
The current time events demand assessments from different perspectives in order to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding and an appropriate capacity to act. On Monday, October 12, 2020 the Goetheanum leadership team began a series of contributions in German with English translation. It takes place weekly in the Carpentry (Schreinereisaal) and is accessible via...